More than just the best meal in town!

Article published:
September 6, 2023

More than just the best meal in town!


“Is it always this good?” The lady sitting next to me at lunch was amazed at the quality of the two-course carvery – and we were only on the first course. Pam’s husband Ray used to play rugby for Blackheath. They have moved to Barnstaple and so this was the easiest Blackheath game for them to get to. But even before finishing their massive plates of delicious roast meat, Yorkshire puddings, roast potatoes and parsnips and other veggies, they were wondering out loud about coming on a more regular basis. “I mean, it’s only just down the road for us and if the food is of this calibre, then it’s a good day out at the rugby for us,” Pam said. “It’s a really good atmosphere too. Is it always like this?”


Yes, the food is always that good and, yes, the atmosphere is always welcoming and fun.


Before food service began, the Friends of Taunton RFC ran their customary games of ‘Heads or Tails’. The winner of the first game happened to be on our table – the partner of Titans’ club captain George Gosling’s brother. “It’s a fix,” called out someone on a neighbouring table ingest. A table for ten people at a future pre-match carvery lunch was the prize and so everybody on the table was on best behaviour for the rest of the meal, hoping for an invitation.


As we ate there were entertaining speeches from Mike Amos, representing Taunton RFC, and from the President of Blackheath. The latter did not neglect to mention that one of the best reasons for being back in National League One is the chance to enjoy the pre-match lunch at Veritas Park once more. It’s something I’ve heard time and again from visiting fans and officials– that the Taunton RFC roast lunch is the best on the circuit.


There’s a choice of several desserts and even though regulars grumbled that the fabulous crumble wasn’t on the menu (it tends to appear once the clocks have gone back), their tongues were firmly in cheek. It’s incredible that any of us found room for a pudding after such an enormous roast lunch. Young Sam on our table is about to become Head Pupil when he goes back to school this week and word had reached Pat, the effervescent main man of the dining room. He appeared with a couple of cakes for him to enjoy during the game – as if anyone needed any more food! It just goes to show what a caring and hospitable club this is.


In researching the away match previews for this website, I often find out what is available for travelling fans at our opponents’ home grounds. At £20 per person, the Taunton RFC is among the cheapest (if not the cheapest) going and is of such high quality that it represents out standing value. In fact, it’s often quite difficult not to succumb to the temptation of an afternoon nap on such a full belly. It’s a good thing the rugby outside is entertaining…


You don’t need to put together a table of 10 in order to enjoy the pre-match meal. You can come on your own, with a mate or in a small group and the hard-working team at TRFC will allocate you to a table. To book call the club office on 01823 336363 or e-mail All Dietary requirements can be taken care of, just let the team know when you are booking.

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Article published by:

Richard Kitzinger


Rugby fan and Taunton resident, Richard loves watching Titans and creates written content for the rugby club.