Sedgley Park
October 7, 2023
Taunton Titans
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Sedgley Park V Titans


Sedgley Park V Titans

National One Rugby: Sedgley Park 32-28 Taunton Titans

Taunton Titans made the long journey north to Sedgley Parkin the borough of Bury hoping to pick up their first win of the season against the leagues newly promoted side, writes Hugh Duder.

They got off to a great start. Less than two minutes of play and a break down the left side sent in Noah Fenton for his seventh try of the season and he became the league’s leading scorer.

The conversion was added by Luis Sinclair for 0-7.

On six minutes from a lost lineout and Sedgley levelled 7-7. A lot of loose play by both sides followed with the Tigers getting advantage through missed tackles and led 12-7 after 13 minutes.

Three minutes later scoring a similar try, the hosts made it 17-7.

Oscar Stewart replaced Frankie Dart who received a knock. 23 minutes in and the ever-mobile Ratu Vakalutukali then made a break through the centre coming up just short of the line.

This gave the Titans more possession and momentum, but Park’s defence held on. At half time it was 17-7.

The second half started well for Taunton. A clever chip by Louie Sinclair into the deep dead ball area with Cinch and Kitson following upto score a converted try on 43 minutes to make it 17-14.

Park knocked over a penalty shortly after for 20-14. Titans then had a penalty into the hosts 22 but missed their lines.

On 61 minutes the home side secured their bonus point try and led 25-14. The Sedgley fly half was shown the yellow card for tipping with12 minutes to go.

A quick penalty and some astute passing and Jordan Petherbridge was over, Sinclair adding the extras to bring it to 25-21.

Unfortunately, Taunton then conceded three consecutive penalties from which Sedgley scored a converted try to make it 32-21 on the 78thminute.

Not to be out done Titans scored a converted try when Charlie Wright was bundled over on the 80th minute for 32-28.

Titans came home with two points however it should have been the maximum.

Next Saturday, Titans are at home to Rosslyn Park. Kick off is 3pm and will be looking to confirm their improved performances and secure a much-needed win.

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